Mongolia is a wild, unbroken land reminiscent of Montana and the American
West before settlement. Here you will find some of the world’s largest
remaining tracts of true wilderness, rich with clear, free-flowing rivers
and vast golden forests of birch, aspen, larch and alder. You will also
find the world’s largest salmonoid, the taimen, a vicious surface-oriented
predator that is known for its explosive dry fly takes.
Mongolian taimen (Taimen / Amur taimen) is one of the five species of Taimen
inhabiting the world and is distributed in the northeastern part of the
Eurasian continent. This fish, which can reach up to 2m, is one of the
largest salmonid fish in the world. The record so far is 150 cm and 28
kg. In addition to Taimen, there are many Lennock inhabiting, and it is
a trout that exceeds 60 cm on the outside, so it cannot be underestimated.
In Mongolia, there is much fish not only in the typical Mongolian rivers such as Onon, Orkhon, Selenge, Tuul, Kherlen, and Eg but also in their tributaries. There are "mountains wherever there are" fish of various sizes. You have to ask the local people where you are.
The best time
This tour is available is starting from15th of June and the whole summer until the middle of September. Winter fishing is also available from the middle of November.
If you are thinking of fishing for taimen in Mongolia, please try it. A professional fishing guide will support you.